Monday, April 7, 2014

mystery - Chapter 1

Two Girls on a Moped
14 and 11

And the descriptions were as follows:

As given by the neighbor Mrs.Henry as she had last seen the two girls
her words exactly as the detective remembered.

The older girl Lindsay  was 14 and driving the red beat up
moped.  She had brown chestnut hair with a hint of moon
shining through on the top layer of her head.

Wine cork curls  reached to the nape of her neck.

She had creamy skin set against a natural sweep of dark brown
eyebrows that provided a delicate umbrella for soft
hazel eyes that looked out from slightly curled black

At this moment her eyes were focused intently on the road
ahead of her.

To complete the picture a smooth rounded nose matched the
dimensions of a full mouth with girlish pink lips.

A square chin and elongated neck supported by strong shoulders
gave the suggestion of a young girl becoming a young woman.

(Description Continued.)

A blue gingham collared open blouse sported by a gold chain with
a medallion attached.

Sleeves rolled up above the elbows at exactly the same spot.

Delicate hands wrapped around the handlebars ready to apply the brakes
at a moment's notice.

The younger girl, Hannah, clapsed her hands against he sister's abdomen so
tightly that Cathy for a moment had to catch her breath.

"Hannah" she whispered through clenched teeth, "let go, I can't breathe."

 "Sorry," muttered Hannah as she loosened he grip around Linday's  mid section.

The younger girl was eleven and had long brown hair parted in the middle and her
hair fell freely to her middle back.

She had on a bumble bee black and yellow stripped sweater and was trying to hold
back the hiccups that seemed to overwhelm her so much at times that she had seriously
bit her lower lip and a slow trickle of blood was staining her sweater.

The two girls didn't speak for a while.

Lindsay had slowed the bike to a cruise.  They were in that part of the village
where the roads were flat so she could relax a little.

Hannah had held on for dear life as Lindsay put her foot to the pedal
so hard at times that Hannah had to squeeze her blue eyes shut really tight
for fear that if she opened them she would see that  they were going to crash
into one of the ravines as the bike sped through the dark night.

Now, Lindsay had slowed the bike to a cruise.  They were in a part of the village
where the roads were flat so she could relax a little.

Hannah breathed again as she felt the bike slow and she opened her eyes
and began to try to process her jumbled thoughts. 

Hannah thought if  she could process one thought at a time she might be able to
make sense out of this horrible night.

First, Hannah had never seen Lindsay act this way.   Not only what happened to her
father, but the way she treated Hannah.

What had her father done to make Lindsay do what she did?
To Hannah's eleven year old mind Lindsay was Hannah's idol.
Lindsay was good at everything she did.  She excelled in academics
and was on the high school swimming team.

Hannah just plodded along in Lindsay's shadow.

And Lindsay lways got along well with dad.  What had changed?  Why had
Lindsay hurt their dad?

Of the two Lindsay was the respectful dutiful daughter.  Never back talked,
or got into fights.

Whereas Hannah always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.   
Scared of her own shadow the mean kids use to say.

She had one friend and even that didn't last. 
She had been over Lorraine's house and Lorraine's mother had gone
through her daughter's knapsack and found a marijuana cigarette. 

Who did Lorraine blame?  Hannah.  "It  was Hannah's,"
protested  Lorraine.

Hannah was then banned from Lorraine's house.   She had hoped
Lorraine's mother wouldn't  tell he father.   But that didn't work out
and she was grounded for a month.

Lindsay believed her.  But not her father.  No, he didn't want to know Hannah's
side of the story..

Hannah held back the tears as she thought about her father.
She and her father had arguments.  He seemed to disagree with
everything he said or wanted her to do.  Called her a scaredy cat.

And on that afternoon she was her father's daughter.

She had opened the kitchen door and walked into a picture of her father
laying crumpled at the bottom of the staircase and blood slowly trickling
from a wound to his forehead.

Her hand flew to her mouth and her books slammed to the floor.
She felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach.
She lost her breath.  And her world started turning.

Lindsay was to the side of her father and she had a knife in her hand.
The silver handle butter knife clattered to the black and white flowered linoleum floor when
she heard her sister Hannah's piercing scream.

The 14 year old turned swiftly to face her sister.

"Shut up Hannah."

Hannah stared at Lindsay her eyes wide as saucers.

She could hardly breathe.  "What - what --

"We're leaving." replied Lindsay, before Hannah finished.

"Move," said Lindsay. 

"What?" mumbled Hannah.

"We're leaving," said Lindsay.

"What?" replied Hannah.

"We're leaving ,"

Hannah stood rooted to where she was.   She had
lost her voice.  And she couldn't move.

"Now," urged Lindsay..

Finally Hannah in a rush spit out,
"But, but what about dad?  What did you doooo?"

Hannah's voice trailed off into a wail.

The older girl was face to face with Hannah and she
grabbed the younger  girl by the shoulders and shook her.

"Hannah, look at me."

The younger girl tried to look past her older sister, but Lindsay blocked her view.

"Hannah, look at me."

Hannah turned to look at her sister.  She focused her eyes on Lindsay.

"Good,"  Lindsay replied.

"Now,  listen to me."

Hannah, "nodded, yes."

"I'm going to get my moped from the garage and then we are leaving."

Hannah blurted out,
"But what happened?  What about dad?  What did you do?"

"I'll explain later.  Right now we have got to get out of here."

"No, I'm not going anywhere, "replied Hannah.

"You have to do as I say.  Dad left instructions?"

"Dad left instructions.  What are you talking about?"  said Hannah.

"I'll explain later.  Right now let's get out of here."


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