Saturday, April 12, 2014

Mystery - Chapter Four

Lindsay turned down Lake Road and Hannah loosened her grip
around her sister's waist..

"Linday, what are we doing here?"

Lindsay slowed the bike down and brought it to an abrupt halt.

"Hannah, get off the bike and be quiet."

Hannah obeyed her sister and dismounted the bike .  She stood beside
the bike with a scowl on her face and shoved  her hands into the deep
pockets of her sweater.

"Lindsay,  what are we doing here?"

Receiving only a stoic silence from her sister Hannah persisted in her

"What's going on?"
"What happened to dad?:
"What did you do?"

Lindaay was busy looking around and finally she rested her gaze on Hannah.

"Hannah, " she whispered, "be quiet, and follow me.  I'll tell you what is going on in a minute."

"But Lindsay," replied Hannah , in a hushed voice, what are we doing here?

Hannah's eyes had become accustomed to the dark and she realized Lindsay had
parked the bike at the entrance to the Lakeville Pier.

"What are we doing at the pier?"

Lindsay didn't answer Hannah.but instead took out a key from her blue denims and undid the padlock that
locked the wooden pier from outsiders.

"Lindsay," whispered Hannah, "where did you get that key?"

Instead of answering her sister , Lindsay raised her fingers to her lips in a gesture that meant
for Hannah to be quiet

The eleven year old had had it and was about to start screaming at Lindsay when her sister
started running along the wooden pier.  Hannah had no alternative but to fall in step
behind Lindsay.

The two sisters jogged for a period of three minutes following the rope line of the pier
that separated the various boats from the wooden planked bridge.

Lindsay abruptly stopped in front of a medium sized sailboat which was anchored two boats from
the end of the pier.

Hannah using the lnight ights that were illuminated on the deck of the pier made out
the name "Midnight" on the side of the boat. 

"Okay, this is it, Hannah," said Lindsay.

Lindsay faced Hannah and in the breath of second took stock of her sister's facial expressions.
She could tell Hannah as near the end of her emotional rope and realized that if Hannah didn't
start getting some answers as to this strange night she would have an eleven year old meltdown..

Even as Lindsay was processing  Hannah's demanor her younger sister was doing her own checklist
of the night's events. 
Hannah instinctively knew somehow that Lindsay seemed all too familiar with the pier. 

Hannah grimaced.  Even more importantly she wanted to know what happened to her father.
Had Lindsay attacked their father.

Up to now Hannah was numb with the day's events but her emotions were begininng to thaw
and  her mind was beginning to deal with the day events   

Lindsay turned to Hannah and said, "we are getting on the boat.  Watch your step."

Hannah nodded in agreement and followed her sister on to the boat.

Once on board Hannah said,  "Whose sailboat is this Lindsay?"

Lindsay took in a slight breath and said, "it's dad's Hannah."

There was an audible gasp from the younger girl.  This was just too much.

"Dad had a boat.  How come I didn't know anything about this?"

"Hannah, come inside the cabin, and I promise I'll explain everything."

Hannah stood rooted on the deck of the boat.

She fought back the tears that were once again threatening 'to consume her.

Her hands were out of her pockets and rolled into little balls at her side.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you."

Her bottom lip began to tremble and Lindsay knew Hannah was at the end of
her rope.  If she didn't give Hannah some answers soon the younger girl was
going to lose it.

Again Hannah hissed the words from her mouth.  "Tell me what is going on, Lindsay
Tell me now."

"Okay Hannah, come inside.    I promise I'll explain everything.  But you
have to trust me and come inside the cabin.  Somebody might see us out here."

Hannah heard the desperation in Lindsay's  voice .  The younger sister bit her bottom lip
and her mind acknowledged  the tired look on Lindsay's  face.

Hannah was ready to fight Lindsay on this.  She wasn't going anywhere.  She was only
11, but she wanted answers.  She was entitled to them.  She wanted them now.

But she trusted also trusted Lindsay.  Her sister had always been there for her.  Lindsay was
the mother Hannah had never known.
Hannah took in Lindsay's demeanor one last time.

Something about her sister's positive demeanor made Hannah give her one last go
at explaining what was going on. 

Lindsay exuded strength even now Hannah felt it and in her trust gave Lindsay one last chance
at explaining what was happening.

"Hannah nodded, "okay, let's get off the deck."

Lindsay slid back the door and slipped into the cabin.

Hannah followed her sister into the darkness.

Once inside LIndsay  grabbed Hannah's hand and led her downstairs.

At the bottom of the staircase Lindsay turned on a drawstring light  and Hannah
saw they were in a cabin with two beds and a table.

The two sisters sat on a bed and faced each other.

"Hannah was the first to speak., "okay, what is going on."

"Sit down, Hannah, and I'll tell you."


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