Friday, June 27, 2014

chapter fifteen

As the car sped into the night Cameron went
over in his mind the events of the last few days.

It was a lot to take in.

He remembered what  he had read in the file about Hannah.

The fact that she had special abilities that would start to take
shape when she reached her twelfth birthday.  The file said Hannah's
birthday was a month away.   it was the middle of June when he
read the file.  now it was july 1st.  Hannah would be 12 in two weeks. 

At the time he didn't understand what he read.  Hannah was
a descendant of the light bearers.  She could shape shift. That
was what the file said.  Her senses would be heightened and her
strengths would become evident under normal human stress.
There also had been an address 14 Desert mountain Road.
Cameron's thought nudged him.  he knew that place.  he had been
there a long time ago when he was a boy.   An uncertain feeling
was settling into the pit of his stomach.  he remembered he
had visited his mother there.  What did it all mean/
Who was this Dayton?  Who indeed was Monroe/   And what did
all this have to do with him?  And what was the mysterious
email he had gotten from the Black Queen.   Black Queen that
was a code name for Laura.   yes, laura.  laura was his mother
and he hadn't heard from her in years.

The email had been simple.  Come home now.

Cameron went over the events before Hannah had gotten into
the car.  Her ability to run fast was apparent and Cameron thought
he had seen a leopard in his vision as a black shadow ran past Lindsay
and him at the boat dock.    And then there were the screams of the
night more like a majestic howl than anything else.  like an animal
yowing at the night.

At first he had dismissed it but now upon reflection maybe the file he had
stumbled upon in Monroe's back office was more revealing then he first
thought.  What if Hannah was a true descendant of this clan called the
Light Bearers.  What would it mean to those close to her and how would
it effect other unknown peoples.

He shook his head and took a side glance at Hannah.  She seemed to be sleeping
and her head was resting on the side window.

"I know what you are thinking Cameron and you are half right."

"What?"  Cameron said out loud.

"You surmised right I am a Light Bearer and so are you and Lindsay.  I am here
to show you how to raise your humanity to the next level."

Cameron was stunned and said nothing.  His hands gripped the steering wheel
tightly and his knuckles shone white.

"The fact that you can read my mind shows that you are intuiting also."

She was right.  He wasn't talking.  He was listening to Hannah in his mind.

"I'm going to rest now.   I'll wake in a few hours and when I awake we will continue this

"All right,"  murmured Cameron out loud.    He took a side glance at Hannah
and although it was dark he realized she was smiling.

Hannah shifted her shoulders and turned to look at Cameron.

He caught her eyes.  They were green and luminous in the dark.

Cameron put his eyes back to the road in front of him and the
car hurtled forward ten miles above the speed limit.

The movement in speed seemed to startle Lindsay and she sat up in the
back seat.

She didn't know the man driving the car they had only met a few hours before
and so much had happened but she trusted him.   She was 17 years old
and she was alone in a car with a strange man and her sister Hannah had
been acting strangely to say the least.

She had an uncomfortable feeling that something was nudging on her
unconscious waiting to come to the surface.

She went over the affairs of the last few months.  Circumstances had been changing.
And then she realized Hannah had been changing.

She heard Hannah in her mind.  "That's right Lindsay follow the path of your thoughts
and see where they lead."

"What was that?, thought Lindsay.  It was almost as if Hannah was present in her mind.

She turned her attention to Cameron.   "And who was this Cameron, how did he fit
into their lives and how did he know where to go?"

Cameron realized Lindsay  was awake and her attention had shifted to his area.

"It's all right Lindsay, we are going home.  Soon you will be with your friends and
family, Cameron thought.

Lindsay was wide awake now.  She didn't dare open her eyes for fear of  what she
would see.  Cameron realized he was talking to Lindsay in her unconscious.
 And Lindsay understood . She was deciphering his thoughts as they bubbled
their way towards her concious mind."

No one said nothing.  Complete silence.   Cameron had another thought more
like a realization.   it was only from the silence that the words came.  He shared
this with Lindsay and he caught her reflection in the rear view mirror.  at first
she seemed to be sleeping but then she opened her eyes and she met Cameron's
gaze.  There was complete understanding  in the glance and Cameron 's thoughts
were momentarily unsettled.   he went back to the road and the silence of his mind.
After a while he sensed the two girls had settled into a comfortable sleep and Cameron's
 mind focused on the highway and once again his thoughts went into a quiet space.

That's where he was where nothing meets something when suddenly Monroe entered his mind.

Monroe whom he had left in a coma after he Cameron had sneaked out of the
 hospital before anyone could question him about the accident.


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