Friday, May 16, 2014

memoir - jumping versus falling

father thomas made a slight distinction between
jumping into the arms of god versus falling
into the arms of god --

when he spoke these words i saw a slight
hesitancy in his voice between the distinction of
falling and jumping.


i watched a video on you tube of returning army
soldiers and the reaction of their children when they first
saw their dad.

these children literally ran and jumped into the arms of their

(since i came off my daily prozac two months ago the tears
literally rolled down my face - it feels so good to weep. I love
it, love it, love it)
one little girl jumped into her father's arms and after
a minute he put her down -  the two literally stood
there looking at each other.   their eyes were locked -
and they soaked each other in.  they didn't move.
you could feel the energy between the two as u looked
at them.  the little girl was focused and centered on her
father's face.  he was literally caught in her embrace.

then slowly the little girl took a few steps and falls into the arms of
her father.   the father hugged the little girl close to him
and she hugged him back.  

that encounter of the other in the child looking at the other in the adult 
reminded me of the time when as a young child i had the practice of sitting
in front of the blessed sacrament and i soaked in the presence of jesus -
and he in turn soaked me in.  our presence was eyeball to eyeball.   i would
categorize that as falling and not jumping.

these are my memoirs - that i share with u.

as tony the tiger would say have a grrrrrreat day!!!!


  1. Beautiful, Doris. Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. Doris, I love the image of you as a child absorbed in the presence of Jesus. Beautiful. Thanks.
