Saturday, May 10, 2014

chapter seven

The two girls closed their eyes tight and hugged each other into infinity.

Hannah was terrified.
Lindsay was apprehensive.

The door to the cabin opened oh, so slowly.  The two girls could hear the hinges creaking.

Hannah held her breath while Lindsay inhaled at a more rapiad rate.

Lindsay would protect her sister no matter what - to the death if it came to that.

Cameron turned the knob .  he was apprehensive. .He hadn't done something like
this before and he didn't know how the Chief would react to his taking things
into his own hands.  He surmised that Monroe wouldn't be too happy.

Cameron knew the chief had a surveillance on Dayton for the last few months.

He had  found the file on Dayton by accident.  Cameron didn't mean to intrude
on the Chief's private file, but Cameron had come upon the manilla folder inadvertently.

The Chief had told him to clean out the old files in the second room of the station
house and that is exactly what Cameron had been doing - cleaning out old files.

Cameron had been on the second file cabinet when he came upon a file marked Stardust.

Stardust was a file that Cameron hadn't expected to find.  And the Chief must have
forgotten that he had stored it there.

Cameron  was looking for felons.  People who committed serious crimes. 

Stardust was stuck behind an old folder marked, Madison.
It was out of alphabetical order and that had piqued Cameron's attention more vividly.

Cameron had just been curious.  So, with a shrug he had he just pulled the file. 

He dropped the folder on the desk.  He looked at it again and pressed his lips together.
His curiosity was definitely stirred.
He muttered out loud, "This is none of my business."
Then he picked it up.

He stood there under the thirty watt bulb reading the file.  It read like a story out of Grimm's
Fairy Tales. And like a child Cameron couldn't put it down.
Madison was a descendent of the Light Bearers.

He had read halfway through the file when he had enough.
Cameron dropped the file on to the only desk in the file room.
Clearly this was something he was not  supposed to read.

The Chief must  have been working on some long forgotten case and not realized
he had stored it in the old file room. .

At first Cameron rationalized.   He had  tried not to read the file.
It was none of his business.
But it was so out of the ordinary.
So out of police business that once he started reading the  file he knew
he had to continue to the end.
He couldn't put the file down.

The file Stardust referred to a woman named Madison.

Cameron recalled the file in front of Stardust labeled Madison.  He rummaged for it and
pulled out the file.

He laid it on the desk
He breathed slowly and deliberately he picked up both files.  Madison and Stardust.  How were
they connected?  What did one have to do with the other.

He sat down and opened the Madison file.  There was a  picture of a nice looking
girl with long brown hair and a tempting smile.  She looked about 19.

It was only a head shot but Cameron was intrigued with the photo.

He closed the file and breathed.  He mulled over the picture in his mind.

Then he pulled the seat closer to the desk and propped both elbows on to the
worn green blotter that covered the top portion of the desk and he put his hands
under his cheek bones. and began to read the file.

What Cameron read would change how he felt about  the chief.
 How he felt about life in general.

As the story developed he realized  that if any of it was true  a prophecy would come to fruition
in 2015 and that he Cameron would be a part of these events.


Cameron turned the knob to the cabin door..  It was a cool night and his hands were sweaty.

From all the information he had the girls were inside the cabin.

Would they accept him?
Would the Chief be mad?
Would Dayton the father accuse him of deception?
What was his role to be?

The young Cameron had no answers.  Only questions.

He turned the knob and the door swung open.

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